Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Visual Rhetoric


Emotionally Drained
Rachel Jeantel is 19-year-old woman from Miami, Florida. She was the star witness in the State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman trial. She was the very last person Trayvon Martin talked to before the 17-year old was shot and killed. 

The interviewees believed, being stressed, emotionally drained and irritated because of the extended court time was Rachel Jeantel's demeanor/attitude during the State of Florida v. George Zimmerman trial. Her attitude definitely showed it. She was instantly judged because of one thing.

Rachel Jeantel is a Black woman. Preconceptions of black women are formed due to stereotypical portrayals in media. For example, in Disney Channel's popular cartoon show, The Proud Family, there is a character by the name of Dijonay. Dijonay portrays the stereotype of loud, sassy, "ghetto", etc. This would be a person's first glimpse of how stereotypical black women act, especially considering that this is a children's TV show.

Rachel Jeantel's performance showed tons of attitude as the African-American interviewees stated. Everyone has their own opinions about it, but at the same time try putting yourself in her shoes before you can judge her, not to mention she just lost her best friend.

African Americans will be treated differently just because were black, so we need to demonstrate professional behaviors and home training at all times, stated by the interviewees. Not to conform to what is considered "normal", but to demonstrate politeness. Communicating and caring is the key being respectful. No matter what the situation might be, we will always be judged so treat people the way you would want to be treated.  So don’t give people reason to stereotype, control your actions and don’t get so easily defensive.

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